
Growing My Academic Network With The SCDTP Overseas Institutional Visit Funding

I have just returned from a three month trip to Wageningen University in the Netherlands, funded by the Overseas Institutional Visit fund from the SCDTP. I was invited by Bram...

28 May 2024

Discourses and Practices of Elite Rewilding in the UK

I was lucky enough in my PhD research to be given funding to visit Wageningen University for three months. As part of this, I presented some of my findings to...

16 May 2024

Making Rewilding Part of a Socialist Future

If you look in any popular bookstore these days, you’ll find books on rewilding…. There are books about rewilding your garden, rewilding your mind, rewilding your life. The word entered...

03 Mar 2021

Notes on Travelling on the Lübeck - Malmö Ferry

This post is a bit of an experiment: partly holiday blog and partly a bunch of random thoughts about political economy. I don’t know whether it will work, but lets...

01 Mar 2019

MA Dissertation, Ideology in Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica Scandal

In Decembder 2018 I submitted my dissertation on ideology and the Cambridge Analytica scandal. It examines how ideology functions in Silicon Valley, specifically examining Facebook and how the condradictions of...

08 Aug 2018