Upcoming Singles (Hopefully)

A demo recorded at home... hopefully to be finished in the near future!

Alex Eel Music · Bus to Yorkshire

Songs at Printers Playhouse

Playing with Ziggy at Printers Playhouse just before I moved away from Eastbourne, supporting the Truth-Seeking Missiles. This was a fab gig. Thanks to Del for the invite, and to John and Stacey who hosted the open mic nights there for putting on great nights with encouragement and support for artists.

Had Enuf of Technology

A Seagull Stole My Rock N' Roll

Bus to Yorkshire

Other Videos

Shit I Forgot Me Lunch!

I Can't Find a Parking Space

Bargain Superman


The Diggle... exploring my drum machine

Complaining - Cover of Mike Reinstien's Song

Other songs recorded between 2010 and 2018...

Alex Eel Music · alexisapparatus